Sunday, June 11, 2017

Computer Repair Made Easy

 Is it easy to repair your own computer ? The simple answer is yes and no. Confusing isn't it. It all comes down to what kind of computer you have and what it's doing. In other words if it is acting slow, not going to where you tell it or locks up, you just may have a virus. Those are usually the tell tale signs that an infection has gotten into your computer.
 It is possible that a component in your computer may be failing. The most common is the defective failing hard drive. If you want to test your hard drive I would suggest downloading Hirens and burning the iso file to a cd disk. You can then boot off it and run the western digital software to test it or you can run the check disk program with the repair choice. If you have errors it's time to replace the hard drive. You may be able to clone it with programs like acronis or partition magic.
 If you can boot the system, I would recommend downloading rogue killer, free malwarebytes, junkware removal tool and adware cleaner. These all should be run from the safe mode with networking. Once they have all been run go through the programs list in the control panel. Look for anything that was recently installed and then uninstall it. Keep an eye on how the computer runs. If it's still having problems then save your data and reinstall windows fresh. Next you can reinstall your programs and move your data back in place.
 If you have a laptop computer or tablet, this is a whole different story as far as replacing components goes. With laptops you have many plastic parts and lots of little screws. Some manufacturers make accessing your hard drive or memory easy with a trap door on the bottom of the laptop. Now there are others where you have to disassemble the laptop to get at these parts. Replacing some lcd displays can be very difficult and they can easily be damaged. If you ever try to replace a lcd make sure to look for videos on youtube. There are plenty of excellent videos on a variety of computer related repairs.
 If you not at all comfortable with repairing your own computer, don't do it. Take it to a computer repair service center and let a professional do it. If you get good at working on your computer why not start your own computer repair service.


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