At some point in time you may need to repair your Laptop or Desktop Computer. You have a couple of choices to make. One do I feel confidant in my self to determine what I need to repair it and can I get the parts necessary to repair my desktop computer. Well the answer is almost anyone can repair their desktop computer. There are many different Excellent Books available through Amazon and Ebay that will provide excellent information. You can also check out the links I provide to the right of the posts to some of my other blogs. The information on them can help you in some repairs. A repair can be anything from testing, troubleshooting and replacing a component. A component can be anything from a motherboard, memory, hard drive, optical drive or a power supply. Of course there are other parts in a computer that can fail such as the plastic power button on the computer case.
The other type of repair can be due to a infection from a virus. Today there are millions of different virus out causing all kinds of problems for the simple user at home to someone in a company. Some of these viruses can take down an entire company or just make it a miserable day for someone. There are case with some infections such as the cryptolocker or the cryptowall viruses that can and will cause the person to lose all their data. The best protection is have a current back up of your computer on an external hard drive or back up to the cloud with something such as carbonite. If you use an external hard drive do not leave it connected only when performing the back up. This way it may not become infected and you don't lose all your data. I do provide links to some of the tools that you can use to clean up infections on your computer. I would always make sure your data is backed up first.
The repair is not really a repair, but it would be upgrading your computer. Upgrading your computer whether it is a desktop or a laptop is done to make it more efficient in one way or the other. Generally you will be looking for more space to fit programs or you may be trying to make the computer run faster. Everyone knows faster is better, of course until you crash the computer. Most upgrades fall in to one of three categories. The first would be upgrading memory, second would be upgrading to a larger faster hard drive and third would be upgrading to a newer operating system. The best advise I can give is to check out what the specification are on your computer. This way you can determine what components can go in your computer and how much it can handle. I have seen way to many times when someone purchases parts only to find out that they will not be able to be installed in the laptop or desktop.
So I would check out the bookstore at this link and search for what ever technical book you are looking for. There are also ads that can be searched off to the right of the posts through Ebay to find other books as well that may help in repairing and upgrading your particular computer. Make sure you get all your information ready before you buy parts. This way you will not waste time having to return parts. If you do not want to do the repairing or upgrading check out your local service center. There are usually plenty of them around. My best advise is check out any reviews on the company or go to the computer store before purchasing. This way you can see first hand how things are handled and how the place of business treats you. Some store will try to sell you things you don't need or they may have a bad way of speaking to customers. I have seen many places of business where the sales people can be very sarcastic or treat you like you are stupid. My advise is walk away and never go back also let other people know so know one else will be treated improperly. Also get a tour of the company so you can see how the technicians are handling computers and components. For example are they practicing good esd protection while handling various components. Also make sure to check out various reviews on the internet for whatever company you may be thinking of taking your computer to.
Well Thank You for reading and Happy Holidays !!!!!
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