Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Free Windows 10 Is Now A Thing Of The Past

 Yes windows 10 is no longer free. I am sure there will be those that try to get around it. Yes more than likely there will be those dishonest people that will try and get past not being able to install windows 10 free. I had just read the other day that if you had upgraded to windows 10 on an oem system you will not be able to reinstall if you replace the motherboard for example.
 Apparently you will have to purchase the software due to not having a product license key. The only way you could reinstall windows 10 is if you had upgraded to windows 10 from a retail version of say windows 7, 8 or 8.1. Then you would have to wipe out the system and reinstall the previous operating system and then install windows 10. I have not seen this happen as of yet, but this is fairly new so only time will tell.
 So when some of these older computers die and software has to be reinstalled what will you do. It looks like you will have to reinstall your old operating system provided that you have the software and the product key. I guess it looks like Microsoft has all of us coming and going. My best advise to anyone is back up your entire system while you can. If disaster strikes you may be forced into a new computer and windows 10. If you can afford it I so go for it and bite the bullet.

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