Okay your computer is getting old, so what is your next move ? There are two questions that come to mind.
- Is my computer too old to update ?
- Should I buy or build my own computer ?
Okay so your computer is older and not worth trying to upgrade. So now you have the choice to build a new computer or buy a new computer. If you are buying a new computer make sure not to let the salesperson talk you into anything. Believe me I have seen sales people firsthand spit out all kinds of information trying to make themselves come off as the all knowing expert. Mostly what you will find is that they are trying to make a buck by getting a large commission . In reality they are full of hot air and are mainly a know it all. If they use strange comparisons to get a point across find a different place. Another key phrase is this is my best guess or my educated guess. My advise is leave, because they should not have to make a guess.
If you are going to try and build a computer you need to have good knowledge of how parts go together. I would also look at places like Amazon.com and look at the reviews. You will be able to find out just what customers are saying about a particular piece of hardware. I would also get some books about building computers, get your A+ Certification and watch youtube videos on building a computer. Total up all your prices and compare them to the price of a new computer. Now you can make a good decision. I would also stress to use good esd protection when handling any components. Have well grounded esd wrist strap and a well grounded esd mat to work on.
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