Saturday, December 19, 2015

Keep Your Computer System Clean

 The viruses are becoming a big problem for people with computers. Every day we get desktops and laptops in with viruses, malware, spyware and adware. I have even seen a few computers coming in with the cryptowall and cryptolocker viruses. It is the worst when you have to tell a customer that they have lost all their data. Especially when someone has saved all their family photographs and now they are gone.
 What are the tell tale signs that your computer has been infected. Well the obvious are the ransom messages that you need to pay a price to get your data back. The other popular signs were the fake microsoft and fbi messages. Other popular signs is that your computer is running very slowly. However this can also be a sign that your hard drive had developed bad sectors or bad clusters. It is also possible that a windows update did not go through properly and has corrupted your system.
 Okay so if you have any of the signs above what are you to do ? Well if you have no other system to access some programs, then I would take it to your local computer service center. Remember to check them out first for any bad reviews. You can always go to your local library and use their computers to go online. If your computer can still run I would try entering the safe mode with networking selected. Do this by starting the computer and pressing the F8 Key on the keyboard. This is useful for windows 7 systems. If you have windows 8, 8.1 or 10 then it becomes a little trickier. Have the computer off, turn the computer on and see if you can get to the logon screen. Once there hold the shift key down and choose restart and don't let go until the blue troubleshooting screen comes up. From there you can choose start up options. Next follow the instructions to get to safe mode with networking. Another way is at the desktop click the start up and type msconfig in the run window. Select startup tab and choose safemode with networking, then reboot.
 When you are in the safemode, download free malwarebytes, tdsskiller, spybot, combofix (only windows 7 and windows 8), adware cleaner and junk removal tool. These can all be downloaded from and are safe to run. One all are done see if the computer will boot into the normal mode. You will have to run msconfig again and select the normal mode, then reboot. If there are further problems then you may have to take the computer in for repair. Always remember to save your data. If you have done a back up to an external hard drive you may be able to run that and get your computer up and running to before the infection. Just don't keep the external hard drive constantly connected to your computer. Connect it only while the back up is running or it may become infected.

What To Do Before Going To Windows 10

  I keep seeing customers bringing in their desktop computers and laptop computers with windows 10 installed that just are not working properly. Some of them will just keep rebooting and never get into windows. There are others where various programs just will not run and keep having errors. Other computers are running so slow it is just ridiculous. So in the next paragraph I will give some things to do and check before upgrading to windows 10.
 The first thing you need to do is determine how old your computer is. Sometimes you can look up your system for example from dell. You can then see when it was purchased. If the system is more than five years old I would not suggest going to windows 10. The next thing to do is to go to the manufacturers website and see if there are software drivers for windows 10. If there are no drivers for windows 10 I would suggest not going to windows 10.
 Here are a few more things to check before upgrading to 10. Either run you system diagnostics or test the system with some software such as Hirens, Win7 PE or Win8 PE. Run tests on the hard drive and on the memory. Western Digital  WDLG and Memtest86+ are a few programs that may detect problems. Also physically look at the motherboard and check for any physical signs of damage such as popped capacitors. If you have any hardware problems do not upgrade to windows 10.
 The final thing I would check for is any infections. The infections could be Viruses, Spyware, Malware and Adware. You can check out some of my other posts or blogs on how to clean viruses. I would download free Malwarebytes, Spybot, TDSSkiller and Super AntiSpyware. Install them, Update then and scan the system. Clean up any problems that you find. If you do find anything I would also run combofix only on windows 7 and windows 8.
 The last thing I would do is make sure the windows updates are all up to date. I would then run the back up program in windows 7 to a external back up drive. With Windows 8 and 8.1 you can run the file history and do the manual back up image of the system. This way if windows 10 goes really bad you can restore the system back. You may find that the recovery in windows 10 does not always work. My final advise is if you do not need to go to windows 10 stay with what is working.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Laptops, Tablets And Kindles Oh My !!!

 I see so many laptops and tablets come through for repair it's crazy. I do have to say that most of the time it's due to infections of some sort. They could be Viruses, Malware, Spyware or Adware. You can check out one of my other blogs for help on cleaning viruses. I am sure I have a few posts on this blog about cleaning viruses. I would make sure your system is always backed up. If your working with a tablet I would always save data to a good size flash drive. If you use a Kindle I generally don't think the infections will be a problem. If something becomes corrupted I would just reinstall the system to correct it.
 As far as laptops go there are plenty of good systems to choose from. One safe idea is to read any reviews you can on what ever laptop you are interested in. I would also look into extended and accidental warranties. Usually the warranty is only a 1 year manufacturer warranty and most likely will not cover accidental damage from a liquid spill or a cracked lcd display. Always make sure to back up your system in case Murphy's Law strikes. Remember anything bad that can happen will happen.
 The same theory applies to tablets and kindles. Especially if you have a very expensive tablet or Kindle. Most of the time these may not be expensive, but if you have to repair one it may cost more to repair it then it's worth. Always ask the service center if they have an authorized technician and do they have the proper equipment to do the job. I have seen some places use entirely the wrong tools. The result is more damage to your item then it came in with. I have seen various Laptops, Tablets and Kindles look like they went through the war or maybe a dog chewed on them. You should not have to pay more for someones inexperience.

Gaming Computers Under $1000

 I have noticed that some computer stores sell their Gaming Computers for over $1000 dollars. Okay so are there excellent Gaming Computers for under $1000 dollars ? The answer to that question is a big fat yes !!!  There are plenty of excellent gaming computers that can be purchased at Amazon or Ebay. As far as Ebay goes I would look for the New Gaming Computers. Used Gaming Computers I would be a little Leary of. You just never know why someone is trying to sell something.
 If you are searching on Amazon and Ebay make sure to read the reviews. This way you can determine if a certain computer is worth it. Generally customers are going to tell the truth especially if they got the short end of the stick. In other words they got taken advantage of. That kind of thing seems to happen quite a bit in local computer stores and service centers. I have heard many stories where components are mishandled or used parts were substituted due to a shortage of a part. Believe me there are many dishonest places of business out there today on the internet and locally. If anything happens to you I say report it where ever you can .
 One thing I would look for in a new computer is are there drivers for windows 10. If there are none then it is an older motherboard. I would also make sure of how many different slots are on a motherboard and how up-gradable is it. In other words does it have the extra video port and how much memory can it take. I would also make sure in a gaming computer that it has a good size power supply as far as the wattage goes. If it's under 500 watts then it's too weak. Always check, because you may be able to have a larger power supply installed. The same thing goes if it's say for example a 500gb hard drive.  Also what kind of hard drive does it have in it. Today we see the much faster solid state hard drives, but a good sata 1tb or larger hard drive is not that bad. Make sure that the microprocessor is very fast and that it has plenty of cache. Just remember bigger items means a more expensive computer.

Monday, October 19, 2015

How Can I Repair My Laptop Computer

 There are many people that buy expensive laptop computers and then disaster happens. Now some people would like to learn to repair their own laptop computers. If you are one of these people click on this link. There are many videos on youtube that will show how to disassemble a particular laptop computer. If you are a computer technician and would like a course on laptop repair click on this link. Now if you do not feel comfortable doing this or do not have a family member that can repair laptop computers by all means take it to a reputable computer service center. Always check reviews on any repair service center before going just to protect yourself.
 In many severe cases when someone spills a liquid on a laptop it may not be worth it to have it repaired. The replacement motherboard will most likely be used or refurbished. Who knows what could be wrong with it and how long it will last. If the laptop were on when the spill occurred many components would most likely have shorted out resulting in damage to the motherboard. The best advise is buy a new laptop and transfer all data. Here are some links to some laptop repair courses that may be of interest.
  1.  Laptop Repair Video Course
  2.  Laptop Repair Made Easy
  3.  Computer Repair Manual
  4.  Laptop Motherboard Repair (For The Electronic Technician)
  5.  Ultimate In Laptop Repair
The other course of action for help in laptop or desktop repair would be various books. I would also look into getting your A+ Certification.


Microsoft Called Me And Said I Have A Virus

 We get customers all the time that call and say Microsoft called me and said I have a virus. Most unsuspecting customers do not realize that this is a fake call. It especially is not Microsoft calling you. It is a person who is trying to gain access to your computer. Generally once you give them the okay to remote into your computer the damage is already done. One of the first things they do is turn off the restore in windows. This way once you find out what they were doing you have no way to restore your computer to a previous good date before they were in there. They also remove any image backup you may have in a system.
 So what else do these scumbags do to your computer. Generally they have installed a password so you can not enter your system. They may demand some money to have the password. They have also generally infected your computer with some kind of virus, malware, spyware and adware. There are some individuals that believe they can get back into the system. I have seen some websites out there having a person change and copy various statements into the registry. This may seem to work for awhile, but I have heard of the password problem coming back after a period of time. This is because it is sitting dormant in the system.
 Okay so what do you do now ? Well the only course of action is to clean the hard drive of any infection you find. The next step is to save the data to another hard drive. Next re-install windows on your hard drive, activate, re-install all software, set up printers and copy all your data back to the system. Yes this is a tedious mess and will take some time. The worst part is if you had a windows 8 system originally. You will have to re-install windows 8, activate and install all drivers and updates. Next you will have to update the system to windows 8.1 as well as all windows updates. Then finally you will have to re-install windows 10, drivers and updates plus activate it depending on your windows 10 installation. All I can say is oh boy what fun. This takes alot of time and labor and on a older system may not be cost effective.
 Okay so what should we do in the first place. First you should always have a back up of your system and data. That can change depending on your operating system. Windows 7 has it's back up in the control panel. You would have to have it set up and run previous to this infection. Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 have the file history for data and a manual image back up of the system. Always run the back up to an external hard drive and only connect it when the back up is due to run. This way if disaster or Murphy's Law appears you have a way of getting back to where you were.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Hot Gaming Computer For Christmas

 Christmas is just around the corner, so why not think about a nice gaming computer to play your favorite computer games on. Instead of giving some repair help I thought I would show a few good gaming computers. If you are going to play games or would just like an awesome computer check out the gaming computers at Amazon below.

Windows 10 Is Crashing My Computer

 There are quite a few people that upgraded their windows 7 or 8.1 computer to windows 10 only to have it crashing with various errors. This happens for a few different reasons. It may be, because the system just won't work with windows 10. Always check at the manufacturers website to find out if there are software drivers for windows 10. The other time this happens is when the previous operating system was corrupted in some way. It is always a good idea to run chkdsk /r from an administer command prompt . This will correct quite a few different problems in the system. If any bad sectors or bad clusters are found the hard drive should be replaced.
  I would try to clone the bad drive to a new one and install the new one in the computer. The other way this happens is if the computer was infected with Viruses, Malware, Spyware and Adware. The trick is to run Free Malwarebytes, Spybot, TDSS Killer, Adware Cleaner and Rogue Cleaner on the hard drive. Also run your current updated antivirus on the computer. Another program that can be run is system file checker from an administrator command prompt, sfc /scannow.
 I would also make sure to back up the system before running the windows 10 upgrade. I would use the back program in windows 7 in the control panel. Make sure you use a external hard drive to back it up to. If it is windows 8.1 you can use the file history to back up data and use the manual image backup to make a complete image of the system. This way if windows 10 won't recover back to the previous operating system you can reinstall windows 7 or 8.1 and then run the recovery program from the back up program.
 Thank You for reading and I hope this helps.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

10 Tips If Your Going To Windows 10

Click Here

 If you are thinking of upgrading your computer to windows 10 there are a few things to consider.
  1. Make sure your computer fits the system requirements for windows 10.
  2. Make sure you have plenty of free hard drive space.
  3. Make sure you have at least 4gb of ram memory.
  4. Test the hard drive and memory for any problems.
  5. Scan the computer with your antivirus software and at least free malwarebytes.
  6. If your computer is 5 years old or older I would go with a new computer and windows 10.
  7. Check the manufacturers website to see if there are system drivers for windows 10.
  8. Run the windows 10 compatibility checker.
  10. Make sure your programs will work with windows 10.
 The above are the ten things I would do before deciding to upgrade to windows 10. I have seen too many people that have upgraded to windows 10 and now their computer does not run or functions incorrectly. I have found that the recover back to your old operating system does not always work. So back up your system to an external hard drive or use something such as carbonite to back up the entire system. If you are using windows 7 use the back up program in the control panel. Windows 8.1 has the file recovery in the control panel and there is a manual image back up program.

Click Here

Monday, September 7, 2015

What Is Wrong With Dell Laptop Computers

 Okay so what is wrong with DELL LAPTOP COMPUTERS ? Well the answer to that is absolutely nothing. I hear so many sales people at computer store always put down dell computers. Ask yourself why are they saying bad things about dell computers. Take a look around there store and look at what brands of laptops they are selling. Chances are there are no dell laptops, just a few other brands. Well there is your answer why they put down dell and maybe a few other brands. They do this because it may not be profitable to sell dell products or other brands as well. So therefore they push only what they are selling.
 I have owned dell computers in the past and still work with dell computers. I have never had a problem with any of them. Sure once in awhile you are going to get a lemon. That kind of thing happens with all products from time to time. You never know when a manufactuerer had a bad batch of capacitors or integrated circuit chip. Maybe something was mishandled in the manufacturing department. Believe me I have worked in different fields and seen some terrible mishandling of components. Then they wonder why they have so many failures.
 Okay so back to the dell laptops and how they are doing. My advise would be to go to and type in dell laptops and read some of the reviews. I think you will find that there are quite a few good reviews on various models. If you purchase a dell laptop I would look into an extended warranty and an accidental damage warranty. It is very easy for something to spill on a keyboard or fall on a laptop. This way if anything happens you will be covered. If you go to any local computer store and they start putting down brands that they don't sell walk away and go somewhere else. Any company that has to put down products they don't sell is not worth buying from.
 Now you can buy a USED DELL LAPTOP COMPUTERS FROM EBAY. If you do I would read the fine print carefully. Make sure they provide a return policy and not one where you have to pay a large amount to return it. Also check out the reviews on the person who is selling the item. If you see any negative reviews don't buy from them. Buying a dell laptop or any laptop through a personal ad may also be a place to avoid. You most likely will get a boat anchor and no way to return it.
 So check out the dell laptops and decide on the one that suits your needs.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Guaranteed No More Viruses

 If any place of business tells you that they guarantee you will not get a virus they are full of Bologna. The only way that you will never get a virus on your computer is to unplug it from the wall and put it in the closet. I have heard of companies selling this false advertisement. I have seen this type of advertising on various antivirus software programs. Usually they are a cheap junk program and then they try to get you to use junk programs like pc optimizer pro or various updater programs. So always remember to read the fine print and make sure of exactly was their software is removing.
 Some companies are selling the managed type of antivirus software. This type of antivirus software seems to be better for a company rather than an individual computer user. If I were going to go with ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARE for the normal home user I would look into Kaspersky, Bitdefender, Mcafee Internet Security or Norton Internet Security.

 If you are looking for a managed antivirus package I would check out the selection below.
  1. Avast Endpoint Protection Suite
  2. F-Secure Business Suite
  3. Panda Admin Secure For Enterprise
  4. GFI Vipre Antivirus Business
  5. Webroot Secure Anywhere Business Endpoint Protection
Just Remember No Antivirus Software Will Catch 100% Of The Infections, So Always Back Up Your Computer !!!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Windows 10 Is Out

 Well windows 10 came out on the 29th of July and it had it's share of problems. If the windows 10 reserve icon is gone go to this link There were many people that either could not download it or it would not install properly. As for my self I am running it on a couple of my computers. On one of my computers I did the upgrade through windows updates. It went through the upgrade to windows 10 home with no issues. So far it is working properly. On my second computer I installed it with the media version. I went online and downloaded it where I had a choice to run the upgrade or burn it to a usb flash drive. I just ran the upgrade had had no problems. Both computers had windows 7 home premium and they are having no problems so far.
  I have heard of people that installed the upgrade and various programs or components are not working. I just hope that they are successful at rolling back to their previous operating system. That is why I have stressed that people make a back up of their operating system before going to windows 10. The other advise was to check on various programs amd components with manufacturers to make sure they are no problems or updates that may be necessary. If you have done the upgrade and are having problems I would check the two items I have mentioned.
 It is nothing new that every operating system has bugs in it. That is why we always see many windows updates. I am sure there will be more updates to come. You see there is no way that Microsoft would know that windows 10 will work with every system. All they can do is run it in various scenarios to determine what the results are. Also if your computer had previous problems windows 10 is not going to cure them. Watch out for any local computer store offering to upgrade or install windows 10 for you. Just make sure they are not charging an outrageous price. Also if they are selling a new copy of windows 10 instead of going with the free upgrade.
 Thank You For Reading and have fun with Windows 10.

Windows 10 Good Or Bad

 Well windows 10 came out on the 29th of July and it had it's share of problems. There were many people that either could not download it or it would not install properly. As for my self I am running it on a couple of my computers. On one of my computers I did the upgrade through windows updates. It went through the upgrade to windows 10 home with no issues. So far it is working properly. On my second computer I installed it with the media version. I went online and downloaded it where I had a choice to run the upgrade or burn it to a usb flash drive. I just ran the upgrade had had no problems. Both computers had windows 7 home premium and they are having no problems so far.
  I have heard of people that installed the upgrade and various programs or components are not working. I just hope that they are successful at rolling back to their previous operating system. That is why I have stressed that people make a back up of their operating system before going to windows 10. The other advise was to check on various programs amd components with manufacturers to make sure they are no problems or updates that may be necessary. If you have done the upgrade and are having problems I would check the two items I have mentioned.
 It is nothing new that every operating system has bugs in it. That is why we always see many windows updates. I am sure there will be more updates to come. You see there is no way that Microsoft would know that windows 10 will work with every system. All they can do is run it in various scenarios to determine what the results are. Also if your computer had previous problems windows 10 is not going to cure them. Watch out for any local computer store offering to upgrade or install windows 10 for you. Just make sure they are not charging an outrageous price. Also if they are selling a new copy of windows 10 instead of going with the free upgrade.
 Thank You For Reading and have fun with Windows 10.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

#1 Best Antivirus Software

 Okay so what is the best antivirus software ? I get asked that question so much it makes my head spin. Yes I can sit here and say it's Webroot, Mcafee, Nortons, Kaspersky, AVG, Avast and many more. We all have our preferences due to using a particular antivirus software for years. It may have been something that was installed on your Hewlett Packard computer when you bought it. There are some very good websites such as that can provide lots of information. There are many other websites that provide good information about the various antivirus programs. The only thing I would say is watch out if they are promoting that antivirus software. You see they will tell you all kinds of good things about it. That's how they are making their money.
 Watch out for any place that tries to say they guarantee their software they are selling will stop all viruses, malware, spyware and adware. You see that is a bunch of boloney. No antivirus software can stop everything. As far as the customer is concerned the best method is to avoid email that you don't know the sender. Delete that unknown email. If you get a message from Microsoft or someone else don't answer or call them. If something pops up on your computer telling you that you are infected don't click on it to close it out. That click may in fact start the infection on your computer. The best thing is to shut your computer down normally or hold the power button to power the computer off. This will not damage your hard drive. You just do not want to kill the power as this may damage the hard drive or cause hard drive corruption such as cross linked files or orphaned files.
 So what then is the best way to never get a virus, malware, spyware or Adware on your computer.
 Sounds a little harsh doesn't it. If you are going to use your computer for personal use or in a work environment I recommend to always BACK UP YOUR SYSTEM.
 Thank You For Reading. 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

My Computer Is Slow

 Help my computer is too slow. What can I do to speed it up? You need to ask yourself a few questions before you do anything.
  1. Do you have pop ups
  2. Are webpages being redirected
  3. Were you on the internet just before this started
  4. Did you open an email just before this started
  5. Did the power go out and come right back on
  6. Do you have plenty of free hard drive space
  7. How much ram memory do you have
  8. How old is your computer
  9. Is your Antivirus Software up to date
  10. Have you scanned with anything such as malwarebytes or spybot
  11. Did you recently install any programs
  12. Did you just install a windows update
 The above are all questions you should learn to ask yourself because if you take your computer to a service center they may ask you these questions. You can always find videos on youtube on how to check memory in a computer or hard drive space. You should always learn how to take care of your computer, because it can become very expensive if you have to take it to a service center for repair at least 2 or 3 times a year. So why not learn how to take care of it and save money. If you do take your computer somewhere remember to check reviews on the service center in question.
 Thank You for reading. 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Windows 10

  You may have noticed that down in the taskbar near the time is a little white 4 square Microsoft symbol. This is the symbol allowing you to reserve your free upgrade to windows 10. The windows 10 Upgrade is supposed to be made available  July 29th 2015. This will be a full version and not a trial version. Just be aware that if you upgrade to windows 10 you can not go back. The best course of action is to perform a back up of your entire system to an external hard drive using the back up in windows 7. In windows 8 and 8.1 you have to perform the image back up manually and you can also perform a file history. The other option is backing up your entire system to the cloud using something such as carbonite. Just make sure you have a full system image package and not just the data.



If you do not see the windows 10 icon upgrade here is a website on how to get it . I did this on one of my computers and it worked. 

Once again if you are thinking of going to windows 10 just back up your windows 7, 8 or 8.1 systems first.

Monday, June 1, 2015


  Well most young people are out of school and college for the summer. Now is the time to look for those COMPUTER GAMES that you love to play. We all need some time to relax and go on an adventure, even if it is only a pc game. There are a lot of choices when it comes to looking for a computer game. I would check out the trailers for various pc games. That way you can get a good idea if the pc game interests you. I would suggest that you check out gamestops website where you can look at pictures and maybe a video clip of the pc game. There are also plenty of websites on the internet that rate various pc games.
Click Here  I would make sure that your current computer can handle the newest pc games out there. One idea is to look on the computer game box for the system requirements. This way you can compare them to your computer to make sure your computer can handle them. If you need to upgrade your computer I would add memory to at least 8gb of ddr3 memory. Install a larger hard drive to say maybe a 2tb or larger. The other choice is going with a solid state hard drive. I would also consider upgrading to a much faster video card as well as a good sound card. The other items to upgrade would be the microprocessor and the power supply. The best thing to do is check out your specifications of your computer to determine exactly what can be upgraded.
  Now if your computer is older say three years or more it may not be able to be upgraded to the newest hardware components. If it can't then I would suggest either building your own computer, buying a gaming computer at your local computer store or buying a gaming computer from either or from Ebay. There are some pretty good deals, but remember to check out the seller for any bad reviews. You can search through the store below the posts for gaming computers. So get out there and find those COMPUTER GAMES today.
  Thank You for reading and have fun with PC Games.

Computer Games


  This post does not have anything to do with Computer Repair. I thought I would change direction, because we have computers and we need to have some fun. That does not mean that you need to sit in front of your computer 24hrs a day playing Computer Games. We still need to have that fun and relaxation period of time. If you are going to play COMPUTER GAMES make sure your current computer can handle the complex computer games we have today. It's not like the old days of pong or packman.
Click Here  There are all kinds of computer games to choose from. There are so many categories to choose from you just have to figure what kind of computer game you enjoy. There are the Role Playing Games, Racing and Driving Games, Adventure Games, Action Games, Simulation Games and Shooting Games. Then with the various categories you will have more choices. What I would do is check out the various websites on line where you can watch a trailer of a video game. This way you can decide if that game is for you. The best places to look for COMPUTER GAMES are on, Ebay and your local computer stores such as Gamestop.
  Okay so what do you need to do for a good Gaming Computer. Again you can search, Ebay and your local computer stores. If you go through Amazon or Ebay make sure to check out the ratings and the reviews. If you go with a local computer store check out any reviews on the store in question. My motto is always protect yourself, because you are the customer. Believe me there are a lot of shady underhanded computer businesses out there. If you computer is new enough I would consider adding larger hard drives, solid state hard drive, 8gb of ddr3 memory, good video card and sound card. If you are adding these hardware components make sure you have at least a 750 watt power supply.
  Thank You for reading and have fun with Computer Games.     

Monday, May 25, 2015

Get A Grip On Windows 10 Now

  I have been using Windows 10 on one of my bench computers and so far it's not too bad. It seems to be doing a good job. I would not recommend using it in a dual boot system until Microsoft comes out with a good stable version. Right now they are out with a technical version for technicians and the public to try. My advise is install it fresh on a computer that you have nothing to lose on. This way if anything goes wrong and Murphy s Law usually does seem to happen you will have no loss. I would suggest buying some books on windows 10 to get some further help in learning the operating system.
 Windows 10 does come with windows defender just as in windows 8 and 8.1 . It does seem to do a fair job on keeping the system safe. I should remind everyone that no virus software will protect a system 100% of the time, so always back up your system. I did try installing free avg 2015 on the windows 10 system and it seemed to have some issues. It kept coming up and wanting to reboot the system, therefore I uninstalled it. Below is a list of compatible antivirus programs working so far with windows 10. All I can say you have to try for yourself. If you are looking for a different AntiVirus Software check out the store below the posts.
Compatible List of Antivirus for Windows 10 Technical Preview
  • Bitdefender Antivirus Free 2014
  • AVG Free Antivirus
  • Avira Free Antivirus 2015 
  • 360 Total Security
  • AVG 2015 Internet Security
  • McAfee Total Protection
  • McAfee All Access Security
  • ESET Endpoint Security 
  • Panda Cloud Antivirus 

  Thank You and Enjoy Windows 10 Now.

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    Saturday, May 9, 2015

    Backup Backup And Backup You PC

      One of the most important things you can do is backup your computer. It does not matter whether you are in a business environment or just a home user. I have seen way too many times where a hard drive went bad and the customer never backed up their data. With all the bad pc viruses going around it is essential that your computer has a backup plan in place. Believe me data recovery can become very expensive. If you acquired a virus like the cryptowall or crypto locker virus you could lose everything. Most people keep family pictures, documents, music and other data on their home computer. It kills me when I have to tell them they have lost it all.
      The easiest way to back up a windows 7 computer is to use the backup program in the control panel with an external hard drive. Just make sure to leave the external hard drive connected only when the backup is running. The cryptowall and cryptolocker as well as other viruses can infect the external hard drive. I have that happen to customers recently. Windows 8 and 8.1 don't really have the backup program in them. There is a recent history program that backs up data and you can manually make an image of the system, but you need to remember to do it. I would suggest a backup to the cloud with something like carbonite. Just get the full package so it backs up everything. One safe idea is to have a second standard account to save data, pictures and whatever to. The cryptowall and cryptolocker do not infect or attack standard accounts.
      So just remember to backup your computer today.
     You can search for an external hard drive in the store below the posts.
      Thank You for reading and save that data with a backup system.   

    Clean That Computer Out Inside

      Yes the hot weather is here and your computers are going to get warmer inside. Especially if they are full of dust inside. I see all the time where the front of a desktop computer is packed with dust. The next most common place is the microprocessor heat sink. Finally the third popular place for dust to build up is in the power supply. These will all prevent the proper air circulation in the system. The system will be overheating and shutting or damaging your expensive equipment. So make sure to blow the dust out of your computer and keep it running cool.

                           REMEMBER NOT TO SPIN THE FANS TOO FAST

      You can blow the dust out with a air compressor. It will do an excellent job. Just make sure to wear a dust mask so you don't breath in any junk. When you blow out any fans I would use something like a pencil to hold the fan. If the fan spins too fast it could exceed its rating and become damaged. Most front cases can be removed by releasing plastic catches. Just be careful, because they can break easily. I would not use a vacuum cleaner to clean out dust, because it can damage components by esd or electro static discharge. If you are blowing the dust out of a laptop computer you can use the air compressor or the canned air duster. To hold a small fan from spinning I would use a plastic tie wrap. They are small enough to get through the cpu fan slots. You may also have to remove the keyboard to get to the other side of the cpu fan to remove any chunks of dust. If it's really bad I recommend taking it to a professional for the proper cleaning.
      Thank You for reading and keep your computer cool this summer.

    Thursday, April 16, 2015

    Computer Parts

      When it come to Computer Parts I often get asked by a customer is should I use the parts from my old computer in a new computer. My advise is if the computer is more than three years old I would advise the customer not to use the older parts. You would be better in the long run to go with all new parts. This is generally because you will have all new updated components that have manufacturers warranties on them. I have seen way too many times when a customer has had the pc service center use their old parts only for them to fail a short time down the road and then they have to come back and are not happy. So do yourself and the pc service center a favor and go with all new pc components. As a rule industry says that computer components are old as soon as they are out in the public.

      If you are purchasing a computer part from a computer service center or store watch how the computer part is packaged. In other words does the package look like it's already been used. Has any tape on the package been previously opened. Also is the computer part is a esd static bag where it is not sealed or looks like it's been resealed. I have seen service centers use a computer part for testing purposes only to put it back on the shelf and sell it as new. These are very poor business practices and these service centers should be avoided.
      So finally for all your computer parts I would check out any reviews on the particular component you are thinking of buying. Amazon and Ebay can provide some very excellent reviews. Some of the dealers on the internet may also provide some reviews. One trick I would watch out for is the service center the writes there own reviews. Does this happen well unfortunately yes it does. Sometimes you can tell, because they service center uses some strange name or they write the review in a way where you just can tell it's not a legitimate customer. Well I hope this give a little insight on using computer components in your computer builds.
      Check out the Amazon Store Below For Various Computer Parts.
    Thank You for reading.  

    PC Service

      There are some things to watch out for if you take your personal computer in for pc service. Watch out for changing warranties. In other words the pc service center does not give you the information on the warranty on the repair they provide. I have seen some pc service centers that only inform the customer of a short warranty period when in fact they have a longer warranty period. Another trick some will use is the adding of small amounts of costs that start to add up to a large fee for service. If you buy a computer from a service center check the components they install in your new computer. Make sure none of the parts are older. They may be from a recycle bin or they may have been from stock that has past it's manufacturer warranty period. I have seen where some companies take parts out of a computer that was returned and use them in a new computer. Believe me there are many bad stories that unfortunate customers have gone through. If you know of a bad company or have had a really bad experience put the information on as many reviews sites as possible. Bad companies should be taken out of business and stay out of business. Finally watch out how the service center person speaks to you. Do they come of as being a know it all or do they talk down to you. I would also watch out if they start making nonsensical analogies to get their message across. It may may you the customer feel as if you are stupid and beneath them. Those are the kind of people you need never go back to. Nobody is stupid just because they don't understand something.
      Thank You for reading.

    Saturday, March 14, 2015

    PC Tools

      PC Tools can cover a variety of tools. It is not just the software tools necessary to clean a virus from a computer. It is also the hardware tools necessary to repair a computer. Yes if you are working as a Technician repairing computers you will need various types of tools to perform the repair. Generally you will need a good screwdriver kit, various pliers, digital multimeter as well as some other pc tools. My advice is to invest in one of the Engineer Field Repair Tool Kits , because they have a good variety of excellent tools necessary to repair pretty much all service repairs. These are portable and therefore can even be brought into the service shop. I would make sure they are not left in the shop and are locked. I have seen way too many times when someone borrows something and it is never returned.
      I do not recommend using an electronic screwdriver when working on laptop computers. You have to remember you are working with plastic parts and they can easily be stressed and damaged. You will find that most warranty repair companies and manufacturers frown on using the electric screwdrivers and it is for a reason. If you are working on building computers then it may be okay for tightening the case screws. As for installing a motherboard in a case I would not recommend it. Not only can you physically damage a component if you slip, but you can stress damage the standoff feed holes. Remember that these are points where grounds run to all places within the circuitry. If you damage that you are out of luck and will have to replace the motherboard. So my best advise is to use hand tool screwdrivers. That is what I do and I have never had a problem. I feel that I can move faster doing it that way. The electric screwdriver is just an illusion tricking you into thinking you are going faster.
      Okay so lets talk about the software pc tools for a moment. There are some software pc tools that can be a big help in computer repair.  There are plenty of free software programs, but make sure they do not try to sell you malicious junkware programs. Below is a short list of some of my favorite pc tools.
    1. Windows 7 PE 
    2. Windows 8 PE
    3. Hirens 15.2 
    4. Hirens 15.1 
    5. Passmark Software ( Not Free) 
    6. Heavy Load V3.3 
    7. Speed Fan 
    8. Bluescreen Viewer 
    9. CPU Thermometer 
    10. Pendriveapps ( lots of free software) 
        There are some common software pc tools that every Technician should have. So below is a list of the virus cleaning software programs. They are all free programs that can be copied to a usb flash drive. I would recommend using at least a 16gb usb flash drive. You can find most of these programs through Here is a link to their website .

    1. Combofix
    2. Free Malwarebytes
    3. Free Portable Spybot
    4. TDSS Killer
    5. Portable Tech Version Super Anti Spyware
    6. Eset Online Scanner
    7. A-Squared
    8. Rogue Killer
    9. Junkware Removal Tool
    10. Adware Removal Tool
    11. ADW Cleaner
    12. Temp File Cleaner
       There are other virus cleaning software programs that you can download off the internet. Just make sure to uncheck any junkware software they may try and have you install. There are way too many individuals trying to either infect your computer or give garbage that will give you nothing but headaches. You can check out my other blogs for additions help. The websites are listed off to the right of the posts called best blog sites.
      Finally you should have Good Antivirus Software installed on your computer. Here is a list of my favorite anti virus programs. If you are looking for a good website to compare various anti virus programs here is a link . You do have to be careful because some websites will push a certain anti virus program above others, because they are trying to sell it.
    Good Antivirus Software
    1. Kaspersky Antivirus
    2. Avast
    3. AVG
    4. BitDefender
    5. Mcafee
    6. Symantec
    7. Eset
    8. Sophos
    9. Avira
    10. Trend Micro
      It should be noted that there are free versions of Anti Virus programs that go a very good job. I would recommend using free malwarebytes or paid malwarebytes with your antivirus program. Just be aware that some antivirus programs such as Mcafee will remove programs like malwarebytes and spybot.
      Thank You for reading.    

    Thursday, March 12, 2015


       Yes the title of the post is simply Hardware. Hardware in computer repair can mean quite a few different things. If you are into building computers it can mean the screws and bolts that go into building a desktop computer. Now there is a different side to the word hardware in computer repair. It can also be the tools necessary to work on and service computers and laptops. It could be the hand tools or it can be tools such as usb flash drives or an external hard drive. So as you can see hardware in a computer shop can mean a variety of tools necessary to service a computer.

      Now I have seen some technicians using small electrical drills. This is not a problem on desktop cases as long as the torque is adjusted properly. Remember you are working with soft metal and it is very easy to strip out the threads. Now if you are working on a laptop computer almost all manufactures will frown on using a small hand drill. Remember with laptops you are working with plastic and small metal parts seated in a plastic standoff. It is very easy to stress the plastic and break it. If that happens break out the super glue or replace the part. Now you are losing money if you are working on a warranty or even an out of warranty computer.
      The other type of HARDWARE would be the items to save data on. With this I would recommend at least a 16gb usb flash drive. Especially if you are working as a filed service technician. Now this can also come in handy in the service shop as well. Aside from that I would have a good 500gb to 2tb external hard drive to save data on. Another item I would have is a good external optical drive. You never know when you may have to boot off a hirens disk or install some software.
      Another few HARDWARE items that you should have are more in the repair part of things. If you are doing repairs such as dc jack repair you will needs various hand tools such as side cutters. You are also going to need a good soldering iron as well as good solder as well as a good desoldering tool. Solder braid is another tool that will come in handy. I would also make sure to have a good esd wrist strap to protect your equipment from destructive static electricity. One handy hardware tool I would have is a good digital volt meter. There are times when you will need to measure the output voltage of some piece of computer equipment. Finally I would recommend having a good bench power supply to test a laptop with when an ac adapter is not supplied. You can also use the store below the posts to search for what you need.
      Thank You for reading.    

    Sunday, February 22, 2015

    Computer Virus

      The big question is will I ever get a Computer Virus ? The answer to that question is probably yes. So most people ask okay so how to I prevent my computer from being infected by a Computer Virus. The honest answer is no virus software is going to protect you 100%. Yes that is sad and scarey, but unfortunately true. So what do you do know, well I have heard some people say just don't use the computer. Well that is the most ridiculous response I have ever heard. The funny part is I have heard some technicians say that to a customer. That is a sure fire way to get people to stay away from your business. The truth is the customer is always right and you should go out of your way to help the customer. I think we all need to realize that we are all customers at some point in time and we all require respect. My opinion is if you don't follow that rule of thumb, you don't belong in business.

      Okay so how or what do you do to try to protect your computer from infections. The first thing you should do is make sure you have good up to date virus protection. There are many different antivirus programs that anyone can choose from. You just want to make sure you only have one antivirus program installed on your computer. Now there are other programs that you can have to scan for malware, spyware, adware and viruses. One of my favorites is Free Malwarebytes. I go have links to their website on some of my other posts. These programs are manual programs that you have to update and then scan your computer with. They are generally fairly straightforward to use. Below is a list of my favorite Antivirus Programs.
    1. Kaspersky Antivirus
    2. Bitdefender Antivirus
    3. AVG Internet Security Antivirus
    4. Free AVG Antivirus
    5. AVAST Antivirus Paid Version
    6. Free AVAST Antivirus
    7. Various Norton Antivirus Programs
    8. Microsoft Security Essentials, which is Free
    9. Malwarebytes Paid Version
    10. Free Avira Antivirus (good for windows xp)
      Now you will find that there are other pc virus programs that also do a very good job. If you are looking for a very good website for Antivirus Software Reviews check out this link . There are other websites that also give very good reviews as well. I would just be aware that some websites may be promoting a particular antivirus program and therefore may rate is higher that others.
      Other ways of protecting your computer and data from becoming infected with a computer virus would be to make sure you are always backing up for system. It can be by using the back up program in windows seven or by using a software program such as Acronis or Nortons Ghost. I would make sure the backup drive is not connected when the back up is done. This can prevent your back up from being infected by a pc virus such as cryptowall or cryptolocker. The way to back up your system and data is by using a cloud type back up such as carbonite. Remember windows 8.1 does not have the back up program like windows 7. It does have a file history back up through the control panel and it has a manual image back up the you the user must run. That is why I would recommend a software program such as acronis or carbonite.
      I would suggest going through the Amazon Store below the posts to search for a desired antivirus program or back up program. 
      Thank You for reading.