Monday, November 10, 2014

In Search Of Interesting Web Sites For Repairing Computers

  I am always searching the internet for interesting websites for repairing computers. I came across one that had a number of flowcharts to follow in the repair of a computer. I believe that these could become very helpful for the technician starting out or just the general person at home trying to repair his or her own computer. Why take the computer to a service shop only to pay a rather large repair price when you could do the same job for a lot less. Here is a link to the website I came across . I would say check it out and see if it helps.
 Another web site that has become extremely helpful in the cleaning up of viruses is Bleeping Computer and the link is . They have alot of information on many different viruses and how to remove them. They have plenty of virus removal tools to download and use. There are many different web sites on the internet for repairing computers. The information can be for desktops and laptop. You can also find videos on youtube for repairing a particular laptop brand and model. My only advise is be aware  of the website if they want money or they try to install some kind of junk program like pc optimizer pro.
 There are also plenty of books available on computer repair. It is best to do some searching and determine what you may want.
  Thank You for reading. 

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