If you are thinking of becoming a computer repair technician I would start studying for your A+ Certification as soon as possible. The A+ Certification is generally needed today if you want to work as a computer technician. Most good companies will require it. If you come across a company and they don't care if you have it chances are they won't be paying you proper wages. Believe me I know of such places and ones that promise you a good increase if you get the A+ Certification. You then pass the tests and they just keep blowing you off in the hopes that you will forget about it. My advise is if you are in this situation, find another job
There are various places that are free on the internet where you can study tutorials online for no cost. The only cost involved is your time. There are also websites that provide videos or lectures on studying for your A+ Certification. Again all it costs you is your time to watch and listen. I have done various certifications on different products through out the years in my career. Some of the time it was studying the
material from Hewlett Packard and taking the test online. As far as the A+ Certification goes you study and then go and take the test at a specific location when you are ready. You can not take the test online at this time.
There are plenty of excellent good books to study from before you go and take the test. Comp Tia A+ Certification is one of those good examples of an excellent book to buy to use to study for the test. You can always go with one of the A+ Certification for dummies books to study from. They are generally made easier to study from for the individual. I still have mine from a few years ago. Unfortunately in my position I was told that even if I got it I would not get any kind of a raise. I did find out that other individuals were getting raises for getting their A+ Certification. All I can say is nice company. You may guess what I am in the process of at this time.
Some other advise would be that after you achieve your A+ Certification don't stop there. I would think of what other part of the field of computers you are interested in and go for it. Whether you are interested in security, networking of whatever you may want to pursue. Once again there are various different websites out there to study from for whatever your career path may be. All it takes is your time and some effort. One of my favorite websites to visit for studying is at this link http://www.professormesser.com/ . Here is another website for excellent free training http://www.cbtnuggets.com/it-training-videos/course/comptia-a-plus-2012 . There are also plenty of websites where you can also take free A+ Certification tests to see if you are ready to pass the test.
Well that is all for now. Thank You for reading.
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