Saturday, July 26, 2014

Finally It Looks Like The Cryptolocker Virus Has Been Blocked

  I just read an article that the Cryptolocker Virus has been blocked and The Gameover Zeus Virus has been stopped. These were the two worst viruses I have seen in a long time. Customer after customer had fallen prey to the cryptolocker virus. Some had paid the ransom and gotten their data back, while other people paid the ransom and never got their data back. Here is a link to the article I just came across . Just paste it into your address bar and press enter.
  Apparently Britain had been issued a warning by this criminal that the Gameover Zeus virus was going to be released on June 2nd 2014. The FBI went into operation and has taken care of business. This virus was apparently started by a criminal gang based in Russia. I think they should have a whole section like men in black assigned to the extinction of every one of these scums and bring them to justice.
  I still advise everyone to keep their virus cleaning software up to date. If you get the message that your virus software has expired either renew it or uninstall it and install at least one of the free Antivirus programs such as Free Avast or Free AVG. Both of these are excellent virus programs. If you decide to go with a paid version I say go for it. I would also install free Malwarebytes from, if you already have it make sure to update it at least once a week. Scan with it at least once a week or once every two weeks. I would also suggest to download the current spybot 2.4 and install it. You can scan with it once every two weeks. Another program I would suggest having is Super Anti Spyware. It does a pretty good job. You can set it so it does not run in the background and run it manually. Here is a good link to information about the free antivirus software .  I myself prefer this website because they seem to be unbiased .
  Thank You for reading

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