Thursday, May 1, 2014

Common Signs Your Computer Has A Virus, Malware, Spyware or Adware

  So what are some of the commons signs that your computer is infected. The common signs are as follows.
  • Is your computer running very slow or taking too much time to perform something that used to be much quicker.
  • Are you receiving a lot  of spam in your email inbox or spam folder.
  • Are your friends telling you that they received an email that you never sent.
  • Your computer keeps rebooting.
  • Your computer starts to boot up, flashes a bluescreen error and may reboot.
  • You go on the internet and get redirected to another website.
  • When on the internet you are getting a lot of pop ups trying to sell you something.
  • You get a call from Microsoft, they tell you that you are infected and they sell you something.
  • You let someone take control of your computer so they can clean infections they claim you have.
  • You get a picture on your computer from the FBI.
  • You have a icon on your desktop or in the task-bar that says 24x7 Help.
  • You have programs popping up, running scans and telling you that you have problems. You never bought or installed this software.
  • NOTE: Some problems such as slowness, rebooting or hanging up of programs can be caused by a defective hard drive, motherboard, memory or microprocessor.
  Okay so you see some of these problems and ask yourself what do I do. Well you have a few different choices. It all depends on how much you know about computers. If you have no data to save, then I recommend to use your software to wipe out the hard drive and reinstall all software fresh. You will need to reinstall all drivers for the system, windows updates, programs and components such as printers and scanners. If you are not comfortable or have no one who knows how to do this I recommend to take it to a professional.
  The other option is to download some programs that I mentioned in an earlier post to thoroughly clean the computer of all viruses, malware, spyware and adware. I would download the current versions and follow the order I recommended. If you are not comfortable or have no one who can do this, take it to a professional. Be prepared to pay $100 to $300 dollars to have this done.
  Thank You for reading and stay safe.

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