I am starting to see more windows 8 computers with viruses on them. This may be due to the fact that more computers are being sold with windows 8 installed. As windows xp draws to a close with no more support people are moving on to windows 7 or windows 8. As time goes on I am sure the viruses will get more sophisticated so they can do as much damage as possible. Your best course of action is to keep your virus software up to date. You should also have a current back up of your system that is not constantly connected to your computer.
The best virus programs out there still seem to be Avast, AVG 2014, Various Nortons Antivirus Packages, Kaspersky, Bit Defender and Mcafee Antivirus Plus 2014. Just remember that no amount of virus protection is 100% safe. Also the crypto locker virus is still out there ruining someones day. It usually comes in through an email. My best advise is if you do not know who the email is from DO NOT OPEN IT JUST DELETE IT.
Also if anyone calls you on the phone and says your computer is infected JUST HANG UP. I have a friend where they called him and said they were from Microsoft and his computer was infected. He proceeded to tell the individual that he does not use windows, but uses a Mac computer. I have even heard of these people threatening people. So my advise is do not talk to them and JUST HANG UP. You are not being rude you are just protecting yourself.
The five viruses to be looking out for are the Alureon or TDSS , Cryptolocker, Zeus, Trojan win32/fakevsdef and the Zeroaccess. Of course there are lots of viruses coming out all the time. So if your computer all of the sudden seems slow, has pop ups or some virus program telling you that you that you are infected and you did not install it, yes you guessed you are infected. I would only advise someone who knows how to clean the computer to take on the job. If you do not know how to clean the computer or do not have a friend or relative who can take it to your local service shop that cleans viruses off computers.
Well that's all for now so stay safe. Thank You for reading.
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