Monday, January 19, 2015

Free Antivirus 2015

                                                          FREE ANTIVIRUS 2015
  What is the best free antivirus today. Once again I get asked this almost on a daily basis. Yes it's 2015 and the same three free antivirus programs are still at the top. They are Free Avast, Free AVG 2015 and MSE (Microsoft Security Essentials) . I my self prefer the first two free antivirus programs. Free Avast does an excellent job of finding pc infections and stopping a webpage from loading that has infections. The big difference that I see is that Free Avast may pop up with various messages about optimizing your system. Free AVG 2015 does also pop up with various messages in the task bar. In my opinion they both do an excellent job of taking care of your system. Now Microsoft Security Essentials does not pop up with many messages and is less intrusive. Yes it does a good job, but not as good as the first two.
  Now there other free antivirus programs out there as well. I have read reviews with good things to say and others where there just not as good. Free Panda Antivirus is one of those programs. Some programs are just simply not as popular as the others. Here is a link to reviews for free avast .
Here is another good website with good information and reviews .

                                   Best Free Antivirus Software 2015 by Mostly Tech

  Once again I would like to state that there are other free antivirus programs that do a very good job. The only problem with searching the internet is that you may get some mixed reviews. The best advise I can give is read the reviews on various free antivirus programs and choose one. Give it a try and if you don't like it, uninstall it and install a different free antivirus program. Also there is nothing wrong with paid antivirus programs. With the paid versions you may get a firewall and some other functions as well as some technical support. Just remember to have some kind of antivirus program and protect you computer from those nasty infections.
  Thank You for reading. All comments are welcome.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Free Antivirus Software Reviews

FREE AVG 2015,2817,2388652,00.asp . As for myself I prefer Free AVG 2015 first, Free Avast second and Microsoft Security Essentials last. There are of course other free antivirus programs such as Avira, Bitdefender and Panda. This is another website I definitely recommend checking out if you are looking for information on many different virus programs .
How are the free antivirus programs doing. I would check out this link at PC Mag to see how the Free Antivirus Programs are comparing for 2015 so far
  As far as which one is easiest to install you may be asking. Well I find Microsoft Security Essentials easiest to install and Free AVG 2015 comes in a close second. I still prefer Free AVG 2015 over the other two virus programs I mentioned.
                                                            Best Free Antivirus Software 2015                                                                                                       by Mostly Tech
  I hope the information and video is a help to anyone. I by no means just prefer the free antivirus software. If you can afford the paid versions of these virus software programs I would say buy one. Just remember to only have one virus program installed. Two installed virus programs will fight each other and cause problems in a system.
  Thank You for reading.

Poweliks Removal Tools

  The nasty poweliks virus that places a number of dllhost.exe files running on your system, which then slows everything to a crawl is causing lots of problems to all users. There are some different poweliks virus removal tools that have come out. Symantec Poweliks Removal Tool, ESET Poweliks Removal Tool and Rogue Killer combined with Combofix seem to do the best job of getting rid of this nasty pc virus. The steps below are what I usually do to clean up the poweliks virus.
  1. Set your computer to boot into the safemode with networking. To do this Boot to the Safe Mode with Networking. Click start and then in the run window type "msconfig" now click msconfig and select the Boot Tab. Place a check in the safeboot and a dot in Network. Click apply and clock ok. Now you can restart the computer and it will always boot to the safe mode with networking. Remember to perform this at the end, uncheck safeboot, apply, ok and reboot the computer. Now the computer should boot normally.
  2. Download and save Rogue Killer 32bit and 64bit, Symantec Poweliks Removal Tool and ESET Poweliks Removal Tool to a Folder On A Flash Drive. Also save Combofix and Free Malwarebytes.
  3. Once the Computer is in the Safemode Run The Combofix Program. When finished it will give a log file. I save the log file to the Root Drive C: .
  4. Do Not Reboot The Computer again when combofix is done.
  5. Run the Rogue Killer and Select All Found and Delete. Do Not Reboot The Computer.
  6. Run Symantec Poweliks Removal Tool and ESET Poweliks Removal Tools. Save all Log Files.
  7. Run The Combofix program again and verify that Poweliks is no longer found.
  8. Reboot the Computer again stay in the Safe Mode with Networking.
  9. Install Free Malwarbytes, update and run a custom scan. Make sure check for rootkits is selected, check all drive except optical drives and run the scan. It can sometimes run 2 or 3 hours. Choose to delete all quarantined files found.
  10. Reboot the computer 4 or 5 times in a row, press CTRL, ALT and Del Keys at the same time. Check the Processes to make sure there are no more dllhost.exe files running. NOTE: I have seen a few occasions where a dllhost.exe is running and it is not from the virus. I right click and select file location to determine what program it may be associated with.
  11. I generally have not had the Poweliks Virus return.
  Now you can always perform a manual removal of the poweliks virus. Here is a link to a website on manual removal of the poweliks virus and here is another website . There are of course other websites with the manual removal procedure. I would only do this if nothing else works and if you are comfortable with going into the registry. Otherwise have a professional remove the infection.
  Thank You for reading.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Get Back Those Encrypted Files From Cryptolocker Virus

  I thought this may be very helpful so I am sharing it from one of my other blogs.

  I was searching the internet and came across this interesting news. Apparently a couple of companies called FireEye and Fox-It got together and found a way to get your encrypted data back from the cryptolocker virus. Here is some information from their website and what to do. If anyone reads this please pass it along. I will also provide the website address where I read about this.
FireEye and Fox-IT have partnered to provide free keys designed to unlock systems infected by CryptoLocker.
Please provide your email address [1] and an encrypted file [2] that has been encrypted by CryptoLocker.
This portal will then email you a master decryption key along with a download link to our recovery program that can be used together with the master decryption key to repair all encrypted files on your system. 

Please note that each infected system will require its own unique master decryption key. So in case you have multiple systems compromised by CryptoLocker, you will need to repeat this procedure per compromised system. 

[1] Email addresses will not be used for marketing purposes, nor will they be in any way stored by FireEye or Fox‑IT.
[2] You should only upload encrypted files that do not contain any sensitive or personally identifiable information.
  Here is the link to the website where I read about this
  I hope this information is helpful. Thank You for reading.

Recover Your Encrypted Files From Cryptolocker


I was searching the internet and came across this interesting news. Apparently a couple of companies called FireEye and Fox-It got together and found a way to get your encrypted data back from the cryptolocker virus. Here is some information from their website and what to do. If anyone reads this please pass it along. I will also provide the website address where I read about this.
FireEye and Fox-IT have partnered to provide free keys designed to unlock systems infected by CryptoLocker.
Please provide your email address [1] and an encrypted file [2] that has been encrypted by CryptoLocker.
This portal will then email you a master decryption key along with a download link to our recovery program that can be used together with the master decryption key to repair all encrypted files on your system. 

Please note that each infected system will require its own unique master decryption key. So in case you have multiple systems compromised by CryptoLocker, you will need to repeat this procedure per compromised system. 

[1] Email addresses will not be used for marketing purposes, nor will they be in any way stored by FireEye or Fox‑IT.
[2] You should only upload encrypted files that do not contain any sensitive or personally identifiable information.
  Here is the link to the website where I read about this
  I hope this information is helpful. Thank You for reading.