Bad Leaking Capacitors |
If you can not enter the safe mode either, then try going to a command prompt after pressing the F8 key on your keyboard. You will need to know a little about dos to select the folder where you save these programs. You can run each program rebooting when necessary. If the computer does boot properly update your virus software and run a full scan on the system. This may or may not solve the problem with the log on. If you can get into a different administrator account you could create another profile and move your data to it, then delete the old profile. Just remember to run the Virus Cleaning Programs on all profiles to remove any infections.
If you can not get into the system by any of the above virus cleaning methods, then there is a registry fix for this problem. This probably the best link to go to from Microsoft to repair the users log on profile . Here is another link to a website with instructions on how to repair the log on profile . Just copy and paste the web address in to your address bar and press enter. The second website is the same information as the first, but will have ads. Follow all the instructions that they give you. Reboot the computer and see if you can now log on. If you can log on properly be sure to run all the virus cleaning programs. Make sure that you have a good up to date Virus Cleaning Program installed on you computer. I have seen too many times where the virus program has expired.
I hope this information is helpful. Also if you are not comfortable with doing this check your local computer store for whatever virus cleaning they may provide. Just check out any reviews on the computer store for any bad experiences. It does happen from time to time.
Thank You for reading.